Felix Pioneers is a holding company that etched its name on a stone to reach a distinguished level of success in a record period, thanks to its staff with a high level of training and qualifications, and with sufficient experience and expertise to achieve the group’s strategic plan, and thanks to its reliance on the corporate governance system that was prepared with great care, its commitment to partners and subsidiaries, studying promising investment opportunities, and working to maximize the value and return on investments, relying on studying and analyzing data accurately and effectively, which inevitably leads to achieving the targeted results.
The group focuses on developing and managing its resources through clear strategic plans and monitoring the performance of these plans to achieve the desired goals.
The group has occupied a prominent position in the local market, due to the strong priority it gives to developing its competitive advantages, in addition to its principled commitment to social responsibility in all its dimensions and aspects. The added value of our investments has been the effective and main motivation for forming our investment portfolio for a number of companies, and striving to establish dozens of companies that will see the light in the future. The near future, God willing.
Our vision for these companies was realistic to our human and financial capabilities, and institutional building, which makes it ambitious and achievable for the group in spite of the economic and political circumstances of our country.